As the saying goes necessity is the mother of invention. A large portion of the world's population now struggles to reinvent itself as we are relegated to our homes with social distancing becoming the norm. The economic impact is being felt around the world, my favorite breweries included. For European beer lovers the timing of the pandemic could not be worse. We need look no further than the cancelation of Stuttgarts annual Fruehling fest to see the impact on Europe's spring beer festivals. Fortunately, Europe does allow for online purchase and delivery of alcohol, guaranteeing my continued access to some of my favorite beers. Many breweries and tap rooms are now offering virtual beer tasting events via an online beer purchase followed by a streaming event focusing on the purchased beer. Necessity is the mother of invention.
On a personal level I face a much
larger problem. How do I maintain a blog focusing on beer travels when neither
the beer event, nor travel are permitted? How can I maintain the
self-deprecating humor and sarcasm my tens of followers have become accustomed
to? These are the questions that keep me
awake at night. That and an increasingly small bladder.
In the coming days and weeks, I
will resume regular blogging with riveting beer reviews, random thoughts, and
never before seen photos. Until then please enjoy a picture of my dogs.
Until next time,
Stay crafty and wash your hands
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